Be My Witness
A Christ-centered, Spirit-led approach to creating a vibrant parish culture for encountering Jesus and making disciples, this ministry takes its inspiration from Pope Francis' "The Joy of the Gospel". Be My Witness is an ongoing, parish-wide program of evangelization.
Contact: Mary Romag, 858-748-5348 x203
Bereavement Support
We provide prayer and support for all those struggling with the loss of a loved one. Whether you need help coping with a loss, a listening ear or simply a group of individuals who understand what you are going through, this ministry is here for you.
Contact: Parish Office, 858-748-5348 x200
Bible Study
Different books of the Bible are studied and reflected upon. This is a DVD-led program that meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 7:15-9:00pm.
Contact: Fran Teagarden, 858-449-4294
Coping with Cancer
This is a ministry of prayer and support for those dealing with a cancer diagnosis for themselves or a loved one. We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm.
Contact: Lorraine Baumann, 858-486-2841
Divine Mercy
This group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 7:15-9:00pm. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited and the letters of St. Faustina are studied and prayed over.
Contact: Fran Teagarden, 858-449-4294
Our annual old-fashioned carnival features games, inflatables, laser tag, live entertainment and much more! We offer a variety of food including food trucks, a pizza stand, shaved ice, and a delicious meal cooked by the Knights of Columbus. The event is geared toward all age levels and the carnival is fun for the whole family. This is a great opportunity to visit with your fellow parishioners and friends. The FunFest committee works extremely hard year-round to plan and prepare for the annual event. The committee is always looking for more volunteers, the more help the greater this event can be!
Contact: Mary Romag, 858-748-5348 x203
We are dedicated to fostering respect for life at all stages from conception until natural death. Our ministry focuses on praying, spreading the message of life and supporting those in need of assistance.
Contact: Jim McBride, 858-204-9933
This ministry focuses on renewing and fostering strong marriages grounded in a love of Christ. We host six week date night sessions during which couples get a chance to connect through a Catholic message and go on a private date to spend time together as a couple.
Contact: Anne Skalsky, 858-212-4863 or Amy Woods, 619-933-6459
Rosary Makers
We meet on Monday evenings from 6:00-8:00pm. We work together to create beautiful rosaries which are donated to parishioners in need of prayer, RCIA, the St. Gabriel Gift Shop, and various other groups. All are welcome to join us on Monday evenings, we would be happy to teach you how to fashion these beautiful rosaries!
Contact: Brian Faraci 619-847-3717
Scrip/Gift Cards
Our ministry focuses on fundraising for the St. Gabriel Building Fund by selling scrip in the courtyard after all weekend Masses and during the week in the Parish Office during regular business hours. The cards are sold at face value and a small percentage is returned to the parish for each card sold. We even have parishioners who are small business owners who use our cards for their regular business expenses and thus carry stewardship into their businesses. Our goal is to see all members of the parish become a part of this ministry!
Contact: Shaila Schaible, 619-840-4245 or Kathy Saville, 858-335-2990
Click here for a list of available gift cards.
Sunday Cafe
The Sunday Cafe Ministry is focused on fostering a spirit of community by serving coffee and doughnuts to parishioners after Sunday Masses. Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering to help.
Contact: Jan Garon, 858-748-5348