Thank you to all those who make our liturgies so beautiful.
Altar Servers
St. Gabriel Catholic Church offers young Catholics an opportunity to grow in their faith and become more active in the Mass by serving as Altar Servers. Altar Servers are young people who assist the priest and deacon during Mass.
It is a great honor and privilege to serve at the Altar of our God as Pope John Paul II indicated in his inspiring address to altar servers on August 1, 2001. In that address the Pope encourages altar servers to understand the responsibility they have in this service to the Church. He said, “The altar server has a privileged place in liturgical celebrations. Those who serve at Mass present themselves to a community. They experience from close at hand that Jesus Christ is present and active in every liturgy . . . In the liturgy you are far more than mere “helpers of the parish priest”. Above all, you are servants of Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest.”
While assisting at the weekend Masses and other liturgical celebrations, it is important that servers be active participants in the liturgy; that they listen, sing, and pray with the entire assembly. Boys and girls who have received first communion and are at least 10 years old, are invited to become Altar Servers.
Contact: Ignatius Widjaja & Kyle Froland, 858-413-6813
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
St. Gabriel Catholic Church offers our members the opportunity to be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. While the Bishop /Priest alone is the Eucharistic Minister, since only he can consecrate the Sacred Species, all ordained Clergy (Bishop, Priest, Deacon) is the Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion. A lay person who meets the requirements can be trained and commissioned as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to take Holy Communion to the sick and the homebound, to hospitals and prisons as well as be called to assist the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in distribution of Holy Communion at Mass whenever necessary.
Contact: Deacon Ricardo Elizondo, 858-353-1637
St. Gabriel's also has a Ministry that brings Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound. The ministers bring Holy Communion to people who are unable to attend Mass due to illness or disability. We visit homes and assisted care facilities in the Poway area. Our visits include Scripture reading, prayers and receiving Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, followed by a brief social visit. Our ministry has been providing this beautiful service since 1986 and it is our honor to continue to do so!
Contact: Janet Troy, jantroy3@gmail.com
St. Gabriel Catholic Church offers our members the opportunity to be Lectors during our many weekly Masses. Lectors have the honor of proclaiming God's Word to the congregation during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass.
Contact: Rich Shea, 858-208-8179
Music Ministry
Our Music Ministry is dedicated to providing beautiful music to help those at Mass enter into a deeper communion with God. New musicians are always welcome!
Contact: music@saintgabrielschurch.com
Ushers provide hospitality and help with seating, the Offertory collection, and distribution of bulletins at Mass. Ushers are the first to welcome people at Mass and available to help incase of medical emergency or other need.
Contact: Miguel Mendoza, 858-748-5348