Dear St. Gabriel Family,
This coming Tuesday is Election Day. No need to remind you how important is the nature of this election by the magnitude of publicity we have been hearing the past few months. I would like to give you the Catholic perspective presented by the USCCB, the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops. May this help you cast your vote with a clear mind and an unobstructed conscience.
How do I form my conscience?
It takes time to form our consciences so that we can make well-reasoned judgments about particular, real-life situations. The Church teaches that it is important to work continually on conscience formation so we can be prepared to make decisions whenever the opportunity arises. Some specific ideas to form your conscience are:
1) Begin by being open to the truth and what is right.
2) Study Sacred Scripture and the teaching of the Church.
3) Examine the facts and background information about various choices and be discerning
in where we gather information.
4) Prayerfully reflect to discern the will of God.
Here are some questions for further reflection:
1) When has my conscience guided me to “do good and avoid evil”?
2) What are some key resources I can use to form my conscience?
3) Forming a conscience is a “lifelong task.” What do I do regularly to form my conscience?
What more should I do?
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May the coming days bring peace and prosperity to our nation as we seek the coming of
the Kingdom of God here on earth. In His Service,
Very Rev. Michael Froidurot