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Pastor's Note - October 13, 2024 (The Rich Young Man, The Fifth Precept, & World Mission Sunday)


This Sunday's Gospel presents the story of the rich young man who approaches Jesus, seeking eternal life. While he has faithfully followed the commandments, Jesus invites him to take a deeper step: "Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me". The young man goes away sad, for he had many possessions. Where do we place our trust? Do we put our faith into action?

This call to generosity ties closely to the Fifth Precept of the Church, which asks us to "help provide for the needs of the Church." More than a material obligation, this precept reminds us that our faith is not lived in isolation. We are part of a global Church, and it is our duty to support the Church's mission not only in our own communities but around the world. This support takes many forms—prayer, financial offerings, and service—helping to ensure that the message of Christ reaches all people.

Next weekend, on World Mission Sunday, we have an opportunity to live out this precept in a special way. This annual event encourages us to pray for and support the missionary efforts of the Church, especially in places where the faith is still young or where local communities face significant challenges. Our contributions on World Mission Sunday help spread the Gospel and provide much-needed resources for churches, schools, and health centers in mission territories.

In light of today's Gospel, I encourage each of us to consider what we are holding onto and how we might more fully embrace the mission Christ has given us. May we continue to live out our faith with generosity and joy, supporting the Church's mission in our own community and throughout the world.


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