Every October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is designated as Respect Life Sunday. As Catholics, we are called to welcome, care for, and protect God's gift of human life, with special care for those who are most vulnerable.
This year's theme is "I came so that they might have Life," featuring the Eucharist and Jesus' message in John 10:10. We embrace the life that Jesus came to give by following his commandments. This includes welcoming, caring for, and protecting the gift of human life, and we rely on God's help to do so. When we are fueled by his grace and live according to His commandments, we are united with God, and we experience the most profound unity with him in our celebration of the Eucharist. At the conclusion of the Universal Prayer this weekend we wil say together A "Prayer for Life". We thank the work of our Pro Life Ministry for their Day of Prayer yesterday at the abortion clinic.
Another opportunity to come together and pray will be next Saturday, October 12 at noon in the lower parking lot as we pray the rosary for our country. Pope Leo XI, who deeply appreciated the value of the Rosary, officially dedicated the month of October to the Holy Rosary through an encyclical published on September 1,
1883. In his message, he admonished the faithful to dedicate this month to the Queen of the Holy Rosary, seeking her intercession for the Church's needs.
