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2020-2021 Classes 


To cultivate a vibrant and faith-filled community where families are united as strong domestic churches and to bring each family closer to God. 

What is the domestic church? The domestic church is the smallest unit of Catholic believers - the family. Family life ought to be completely centered on Christ and built on the sacrificial love He has shown us. 


Our elementary faith formaiton program is designed to aid in fostering the Catholic faith for children kindergarten to fifth grade. These weekly classes are designed to be a supplement (not a replacement) to living the faith at home through prayer and frequent reception of the Sacraments. As you can imagine, no professional athlete became a professional from training only an hour a week. Just the same, we may not all be professional athletes, but, we are all called to be saints! Our journey to heaven requires more of us than simply an hour of instruction each week.


Enrollment is required each year (there is no automatic re-enrollment) and spots are not guaranteed until the registration process has been completed and all necessary documents and certificates are submitted to the faith formation office. 


For our in-class instruction, Alive in Christ workbooks are used from Our Sunday Visitor. This curriculum covers and integrates Sacred Scripture in each lesson and showcases the importance of putting our faith in practice and living as Catholics outside of the church and classroom, recognizing Christ as the center, laying the groundwork for forming a personal relationship with Him. Each grade level covers these topics and more in a developmentally appropriate and responsive way. Catechists also frequently make use of video resources on FORMED, a resource available to all families of the parish for free.


Students are placed in grade-level classes with no more than 12 students. Students not only get to grow as individuals, but make friends with other children from our parish. Classes meet once a week from October to May. The calendar is available on the top of the page. Our catechists and class aides are volunteers who graciously offer their time and talent to teach the children of our parish. Any adult that helps in faith formation completes a background check and the diocesan safe environment training. Our program strives to aid and equip parents as the primary catechists (or "first teachers of the faith") in their children's lives. Our goal is to provide our families with the tools and assistance they need to enrich the faith of their children.

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